Monday, December 8, 2008

The lion,the jackal and us

Once upon a time there lived a lion who was extremly proud of his strength.He believed that no one in the jungle would dare challenge him

due to which he become lax and conceited.On summers day after he had hunted his prey he saw a lake which was full of water.Water was lacking in the savanna during the summer months and the lion could not control his temptation to quench his thirst.He was confident that nobody would steal his prey as he was the strongest animal in the jungle.However when

he had his back turned a group of jackals stole up and took away his prey.

When the lion returned from the lake the lion was shocked to see somebody had dared to defy his authority yet all he could was roar in fury

as he did not what to do.

I believe this simple story more or less sums up the reaction of the Indian government to the recent attacks in Mumbai.The anticlimax of this story is rather redundant .Measures that should have been done beforethe attacks are being implemented after the attacks but is it worth it?No terrorist in their right mind would vandalize a second target just two days after they finished with the first.The ironical part about this is that the rate at which a story dies and security decreases happen to be directly proportional.The hub about all these deaths will soon die down and the government will as usual will go back into hibernation.I believe it is time to take up this war against terror into our hands for dependency upon the government will only lead us to another dead end.If we together we can find the light at the end of the tunnel and help us realize international peace and harmony

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